Tuesday, April 12, 2011

My Goal for This Blog

I'm a product of the 1980's and as video gaming goes, my fascination began at an early age.  I've always enjoyed arcades, the old console games, and pc games.  What I hope to accomplish with this blog is to reminisce on the finer games of the past and present, the games that have been a source of great joy and entertainment in the roughly two decades I've been video gaming as a hobby.  I'm hoping to dust off my severely neglected video game collection, talk about things that I remember about a particular title and discuss that game's finer points if it has any.  Certain genres may get a lot more attention than others, but this is a personal reflection so my own tastes and biases will eventually start to show through.

My inspiration for this comes from a book I read which basically detailed a large list of "must play" video games.  After flipping through it and occasionally reading some of the descriptions of the games, it has occurred to me that a lot of my personal favorites were not present and a lot of games I could care less about seemed to make the cut.  It also raised the question as to whether or not any of the people writing about any of these games had actually played it, or if they were just haphazardly throwing together other people's opinions and reviews.  So this is sort of a tribute to the games as I remember them, and I'll give them a good play through to see if they still can capture both my attention and admiration like they once did.  I'm most likely going to stick to games I own because if I don't own it, chances are there's a good reason for that (tight budget or lack of interest)

I'm debating tossing in the occasional commentary on any contemporary games as I have quite a few sitting around not being played and perhaps writing about them will give me the motivation to try them out.

Lastly, I enjoy playing video games with other people regardless of whether or not the game requires multiple participants, so any feedback from them will most likely be noted if I play a game with another person.

I look forward to seeing how this turns out.  It's late so I'm going to turn in, but tomorrow I'll get started with a classic PC game from the late 80's that has gotten a recent overhaul on the PSN.

1 comment:

  1. Wooo! I am excited for the continued vigeogame story taim of Jaymbz!
